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Foundation for Global Surgical Care of the ISS/SIC
Ensuring best education in general surgery

Home: Welcome
Who We Are
Our Roots
The Foundation aims to promote further education and training in the various fields of surgery. The Foundation is internationally active
Home: About
Our Programs
Education in surgery

Home: Projects

Our foundation needs you and yes we need money to finance and organize everything which is in our project pipeline. Our foundation is tax exempt in Switzerland/Europe and you can deduct your donation from you tax button line. For our American colleagues and friends: Visit our US Foundation which is a 501(c) organization in the US. Follow this link: ISSF.
Home: Donate
Contact Us
St. Jakobs-Strasse 17, 4052 Basel, Switzerland,
Office: Seefeldstrasse 88, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland

Home: Contact Us
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